Enjoying my little moments

You know what is funny. How often when people ask me what my plans are for the day I usually respond "Nothing special" or when people ask what I did with my day I respond with " Not a whole lot". Then I started thinking about it, that is kind of ridiculous. On my Monday, I worked out, I baked 2 loaves of bread, I made chicken pot pie, I baked mini muffins for the Little Man, I cleaned a bathroom, reorganized a dresser, did two loads of laundry, swept and mopped the downstairs floor only a hundred times, fed my Cota men, kept my Little Man from completely destroying the house, had my quiet time, cleaned the basement a little, and about 10 other little things. That is just my "not too busy, nothing special kind of day."

 I am currently reading Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman. I feel as though I may be the last person on the planet to have read this book, and I am only a portion of the way through it but so far I love it. She said something in the introduction that I have thought about so much
    "If the the light of a Tuesday morning candle isn't bright enough to light the room, a spotlight won't be either.
   If the home where we live on Tuesday doesn't satisfy, we'll find ourselves always searching but never quite finding" 
  The whole premise is that Tuesday is the most ordinary un-special day of the week. But if we can't find joy, peace and purpose on our every days when can we? 

 It is funny how I said that "Joyfully Content"  would be my "goal/resolution" this year and since then it seems as though everything I have been reading has been about that topic. So even though today was a Thursday and not a Tuesday I tried to just accept my day for what it was, not wish for what it wasn't and smile. The funny part is that even if my to do list did not get done in the order of what I would have preferred, it all got done eventually. I may have sent a text that stated I was one mini tantrum away from loosing my mind but that was nothing a cup of tea and bagel could not fix during nap time. 

  So I guess the point is just that if you think a big new house will fix your problems, guess what? You will still have dishes, laundry and household maintenance. If you think new friends will make things better, guess what? They are still imperfect humans too. So embrace the little things, it will make your heart happy and your day more fun. For me today the little things included a mini coffee date with my China Man while my other Man napped, tickling my Little Man so much he could not stop snorting, and sipping my cup of hot cocoa in bed. ( I decided I am not dieting this year, I'll make "skinny" my word next year, ha!) 

Sometimes what makes these moments even better is when you text a friend and let them know. I LOVE getting texts from people that tell me what little thing they are enjoying at that moment. Fresh manicure, playing with the dog, homemade latte, renting a movie, favorite song on the radio... it is nice when you know the people you love are enjoying their day. If you catch yourself relishing a simple but lovely moment in an ordinary day and you want to share it with someone and you don't know who, tell me :-) I am happy to hear about it. 

Linking up with some fun ladies today, just because. 
Thoughts for Thursday


  1. I love this, Debbie. Contentment is something I had to learn rather drastically several years ago. Since that time, the little things in life mean more to me than a big, new house.(We live in a 1,100 sq foot 100 year old house and we are very happy.) Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.


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