Oh What's Up April?

Linking up today with Larson LingoMix & Match Mama and Pinterest Told Me To for What's Up Wednesday.

What We're Eating This Week... 
     Oh you know me, always trying new recipes. Today I made Pioneer Women's Grilled Spicy Vegetable Panini's. I tried to find a recipe online, but no luck. It did come out of her Food From My Frontier Cookbook.   I seriously love all four of her cookbooks so much. I use at least one of her recipes every week.

What I'm Reminiscing About... 
  What spring would feel like! My town got 4 inches of snow yesterday and that is just SO inappropriate. Last week it was 70 degrees and Little Man was playing outside wearing sunscreen. Today my car was covered in snow. I just want spring!

What I'm Loving... 
      I have probably said this 100 times but I love this phase with Little Man. Granted the molars coming in, may be the death of us all but he is just so funny! 

What We've Been Up To... 
     We were busy trying buy a house, but that fell through this week. The seller was just completely unwilling to negotiate on anything. So that was extremely dissapointing. But who knows maybe now we will be able to find a house that we can move into before September.  I have been trying to get ready for Little Brother, but I am really limited in what I can do. 

What I'm Dreading... 
   I am really not looking forward to starting back at square one with the house hunt. It is kind of like a bad break up. You should probably take some time to regroup before getting back in the game, but we don't have that option. 

What I've Been Working On... 
     I have been a highly motivated house cleaner lately, lol.  

I also followed this tutorial to make a scarf nursing cover. It was definitely very simply to make. 
The Atkinson Adventures | DIY | 2 in 1 Nursing Cover   Infinity Scarf Tutorial | http://www.theatkinsonadventures.com:

I am currently working on this project. Sometimes finding time to sew is not the easiest. I would also say this project is not quite as simple as the nursing scarf. 

What I'm Excited About... 
    At the moment, I don't have a whole lot that I am looking forward too. We aren't making a lot of summer plans since we really don't know what is happening this summer. China Man is still busy working 12 hour days so weekends are generally low key to let him rest up. This is a quiet season for us. It only drives me mildly crazy, lol. I much prefer the busy style of life. 

What I'm Watching/ Reading...
    I have been trying to read this book on my kindle, but I just can't get into it. I read some of the authors other books and LOVED them. This one, not so much. I am really close to just giving up on it. I know there are so many other books out there for me :-) 
 I have seen a few people recommending this book on instagram and was considering buying it. Has anyone read it? 

What I'm Listening To... 
     Thanks to Amazon Prime's music library I am so obsessed with Sam Hunt's cd. I listen to that when I am cleaning/cooking.  Nothing get's me looking more ridiculous in my car than when Flo Rida's song "My House" comes on the radio. I always turn that song way up and start dancing in my seat. Good thing Little Man is still too little to be embarrassed by me. 

What I'm Wearing... 
    Nothing exciting that is for sure! Thanks to my friend's encouragement, I bought some bright coral skinny jeans the other week. They make me feel a little snazzy when I go out on these spring days. 

What I'm Doing this Weekend...
     Starting the dating game again with some new houses. Maybe I'll wear my coral pants and impress them. 

 What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month... 
        Warmer temperatures. Eventually it does have to happen! 

Best Mother's Day Gift 
   Mother's Day is kind of like Valentine's Day to me. There is a lot of expectations and pressures for the Dad's to do things. As I mentioned at Valentines Day, these situations are not China Man's strength. Last year he bought me a coffee and donuts, and was confused when people laughed about it. I do not expect any gifts this year except maybe flowers from my parents. Good things I enjoy donuts and flowers :-)  Ultimately,  having my Little Man and his baby brother be healthy and happy is the best gift anyways. ( was that too cheesy? ) 
So that is what is up this month! 


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