Friday Favorites- Summer Bliss!
Happy Friday Friends! I hope you are all finishing the week on a high note. We have a low key weekend of house projects planned since we will be camping for the next two weekends. I have super glamorous plans to finish doing the new baby laundry and get his wall decor hung. I also have a few pesky boxes that I would like to really get rid of from the random corners of the house, but that is up to China Man getting some shelving set up for me. So before you explode from excitement just thinking about my weekend, let me tell you about some fun moments of this weeks.
On Tuesday we met up with two of my friends for a somewhat spontaneous day at the lake. Between two of us, there are 4 boys and next summer there will be 6 little boys between the 3 of us. I think all play dates will now include caffeine for the mom's. Ha! I think half the state was at the lake that day because it was so hot. However my favorite lake with my favorite people was definitely a favorite.
This is techinically from the same day, but this picture makes me so happy! I have very, very few candid pictures of Little Man and I. My friend snapped this and sent it to me. It is hard to believe in 6 weeks or so it will no longer be just him and I. I know without a doubt I will miss these days of just the two of us. He may drive me crazy some days but he really is the best sidekick and I love being his mom. This picture is how I will remember this summer. He and I just hanging out at the beach as much as possible.
We got a new couch this week. Please ignore the super ugly bare walls and toys everywhere this was seconds after it was delivered. (#reallife) Our old couch was actually a loveseat. It was perfect for a condo, but really too small for a family and really too small for my large husband. We have talked about the day we would have a real couch for years, so this was a big day for us.
On the back of our property we have a TON of blackberries. This week they have started to ripen enough to eat. One after Little Man and I went down to check them out. Little Man LOVES berries and fruit in general. I really thought he might hyperventilate when he realized he was surrounded by blackberries. He only ate one green berry before he sort of got the hang of picking berries. He would half pick a berry and wait until I gave him the final okay before he plopped it in his mouth. The first time he got pricked, that was the end of berry picking. He toddled himself back up to the house and was done. I think his father has plans to take him back down there for more picking this weekend.
I built a crib! Now normally, I have China Man do all the building and putting together of things. It is kind of one of those unwritten marriage agreements. He builds everything and I wash all the dishes. However as mentioned, he is working a lot and when he is home he is focused on spending time with Little Man and keeping our yard from becoming a jungle. So I took matter into my own hands. I reminded myself I used to be an independent lady who handled things and I could handle a little ol crib. Truth be told, I may have had it half together before I realized it was backwards. That was a low moment. I forged on and the crib was finished.
Those are some of the high points of my week. Happy Weekending!

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