I'm going to answer the following questions!
What We're Eating This Week...
Our meals around here just keep getting more basic and simple. I used to love making new recipes ( and I still do) but having some basic and simple meals is just more realistic for us at the moment. Tonight's dinner is a new favorite of mine
Pesto Ranch Chicken
Steak Fingers. Oh Pioneer Women, she never leads us down the wrong path. This is a little labor intensive but it shakes us up from the usual chicken fingers route on the weekend and it gives China Man some red meat. He feels we don't eat enough.
And now a bonus, I have found the absolute best chocolate chip cookie recipe. Like I probably will never try another recipe. I have made these cookies so many times in the past few months. If you like soft chewy cookies these are for you!
What I'm Reminiscing About...
With my baby about to turn TWO, I am definitely reminiscing about the past two years. Two ago at this time, I hardly believed I was about to me be a mom. Now I am a mom to two little boys. It just shows you how much you never know what is around the corner. I can't even believe my first baby is a full fledged toddler now. He is such a fun little guy
What I'm Loving...
Per usual, coffee is pretty high up on that list. Sometimes I think I overestimate the power of that beautiful drink, but this morning I was dragging hard core. Half way through my bowl of coffee, and all the sudden I felt like I could handle this day.
I am also loving that we have not had a snowstorm in a week. We just had a stretch where in like 10 days we had 6 snowstorms. That is completely unnecessary. I do not care if we live in Maine or not.
What We've Been Up To...
Second birthday party prep, woot-woot! It is a small party but that does not mean I have not been working every spare second trying to make it look half decent and cute.
What I'm Dreading...
I have an appointment for our taxes to be done this weekend and I am dreading that big time. Sometimes #adulting just isn't fun.
What I've Been Working On...
Have I mentioned a second birthday, haha. Actually I have been working hard on trying to get back some activities for me. China Man brought down my sewing machine into my bedroom, and he definitely has been encouraging me to craft more in the evenings. Half my problem is that there is SO much I like to do hobby wise I get like free time ADHD. How am I supposed to fit all the crafting, reading, tv watching, and quality time with my spouse into such a short time?
I am trying to learn more about how to not make this little blog look so ghetto. Tech savvy, really isn't how most people would describe me. So the struggle is real. Haha!
I am also trying to look into maybe some part time work from home. I love being a Mom and we made the decision that we wanted our children to have one full time parent at home. I do not regret that, but sometimes I do wish I could make a little extra money. Probably every stay at home parent wishes that.
What I'm Excited About...
My parents gave me this mini stair stepper for my birthday and I have to say I really excited about working out on it! It actually allows me to get some exercise done while the boys are awake and playing in the living room. Granted, I feel like a total dork when I use it but that is besides the point. Combine that with some ab exercises and some weights. Bam, a solid workout for this mom.
What I'm Listening To...
I am currently loving having classical music playing in the background of our house. Especially in the afternoons when life gets a little special and we are all tired. The Piano Guys is my favorite station for classical music. I like hearing the classical version of current songs. I also love to play the Pandora station "Bubblegum Oldies" while the boys take their baths. Makes it more fun.
So that is what is up this month!
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