Long time no talk :-)  Sometimes life just gets away from us doesn't it? Let's recap some of the fun that has been happening around here in our fast paced life.
We have been busy reading lots of books. Two months ago I never dreamed I would be looking at a book that just identifies vehicles all day, everyday. It is his favorite book and he will sit there as long as a 10.5 month old can look at anything. The funniest part is how much everyone else dislikes it. My favorite is when my sister commented " Why do you have to love this book so much, it is so boring".

In other big baby development news, Little Man has learned how to climb the stairs. He thinks he is hot stuff climbing the stairs. He tends to get a little distracted while climbing so don't worry Mom and Dad stay very close behind him. If there is anything on the steps while he is climbing, he will throw it over his shoulder. Very helpful.
My experimenting with essential oils continues. I love it. I now mop my floors with essential oils, and use them as an all purpose cleaner. I even have China Man drinking peppermint oil to help when he has heartburn. When he burnt his finger a few weeks ago, I used Fir Tree oil and Lavender with a carrier oil. It actually worked! It is crazy but very cool.  Again, five years ago if you had told me I would be enjoying this, I probably would have laughed in your face. 

We had another mini snow storm. I actually don't even know if it qualifies as a snowstorm but we did get 6 inches of snow. I have no pictures of the snow because after the first snow fall it really doesn't seem that magical. It is so funny that it is January 13'th and we just had our 2nd big snow fall. Normally the month of March is so long and miserable to me due to all the snow, the dark days and lack of anything fun but I think this year things will go very differently.

So that is really just an update on life around here lately and all things domestic. China Man has essentially moved into his job and been doing oodles of overtime. Which is a blessing in many ways but we still miss him lots too. We are quite a pair half asleep on the couch watching How I Met Your Mother at night.


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